Confession: Stress-induced Psoriasis

Something that quickly came to mind as I reflected on my past posts: am I giving the false impression on social media that I always have my %#!* together? Cause friends, let me burst that bubble now.

I. Do. Not.

Full stop.

My tips and systems and hacks are the culmination of trial and error, combating #momguilt and trying to find better ways to cope with my stress, that is often self-induced. My last post about a 5 min decluttering of the entryway comes from the shameful fact that I have yelled at my toddlers because I slipped on a lego and almost fell because I was carrying my work bag, their school bags and some groceries (trying to make it into the house on one trip from the car) after having a long day at work. It was not their fault that I had given away all my energy until I had nothing left or that I was trying to do too much at one time. But I digress…..

My point is – I would rather you gain nothing from my posts – than to leave with the false impression that I live a very organized, Marie Kondoed, stress-free, social-media perfect life.

To help dispel any notion that my life is 100% zen — I used to just grind my teeth at night, but now, my body’s new thing is to create dry patches (right now, it’s my head but sometimes other places) and sometimes ( a lot of the time), I pick at them until they bleed and scab over again and then it starts over. The hubs gets onto me as soon as I start scratching and one time, I cried because Olivia, my four-year old said, “Mama, stop hurting yourself. I love you too much.” (Yup. The reverse parenting has already begun.)

I know this is probably TMI and gross and you’re probably judging me a little and despite the vulnerability of this confession, I am compelled by my need to be authentic.

I am not perfect.

But I also want to be clear that that’s not what I’m reaching for.

And I want to be even clearer that “perfection” and more “masks” is not what I want to encourage with my blog.