How Do You Do It?

This is a question I get asked. Usually from a new lawyer or another mom.

I don’t want to come off like I get this question all the time like I’m some kind of influencer with a following, cause I’m not. Case in point: I just learned that DM stood for “direct messaging” on Instagram (not to be confused with Instantgram) from my very social-media-knowledgeable girlfriends.

I also don’t want to come off like a know-it-all, because I am the first to tell you or my 4 year old, “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure.” (In my defense, she has a lot of hard questions!) In hindsight, those two phrases are probably not the best responses for an attorney, but I am the type of person who follows up the “I don’t know,” with “I can look into it and find out,” but more importantly, “what do you think?” I think this combination of authenticity, curiosity and genuine interest in how other people do it all has helped me immensely.

Which is why I wanted to start with this post to explain why I wanted to start blogging again. It’s because I occasionally get the question of “how do you do it” – how do you lawyer, mom, mentor, stay involved in the community, read, workout, etc. and while the answer is truthfully: “with lots of help,” the more detailed answer includes the fact that one of my strengths (from CliftonStrengths) is Input, which means that I really like collecting tips and efficiency hacks from books, magazines, podcasts, my fellow MOPS (Mother of Pre-Schoolers) and saving them somewhere (like this blog), just in case someone needs it.

Most of my posts will be short – probably one organization tip (or listicle) or a recommendation for an app that has really worked for me or if I’m ambitious, maybe a spark of an idea that has inspired me lately. A few sprinkled throughout will be more introspective.

I guess long story short, I needed a one-stop shop to save ideas – but also wanted the opportunity to share them. Sharing is caring, after all.