I would normally never designate myself a cultural ambassador . . . but then I decided that if I didn’t get outside my comfort zone, then some topics may never be written and some cultures never represented.
How to Make Mom Friends as an Introvert
Five Tips for Moms Who Travel for Work
A Planner Snob’s List of Favorite Planners
10 Tips for Pumping While Traveling for Work
One of my contributions to the Collin County Moms Collective.
Take the Sick Day
It is not a sign of weakness. . . https://abovethelaw.com/2023/01/take-the-sick-day/
Questions to Ask Your Client
With these few questions, hopefully you can build relationships while also problem-solving. https://abovethelaw.com/2022/11/helpful-questions-to-ask-of-clients-when-working-in-house/
In-House Counsel, From Flat to Flow
How do you measure your fulfillment at work? https://abovethelaw.com/2022/12/in-house-counsel-from-flat-to-flow/
Random Acts of Leadership – In-House Edition
Even small actions can generate momentum that can lead to bigger changes. And as in-house counsel, you could start the ripple. https://abovethelaw.com/2023/01/random-acts-of-leadership-in-house-edition/
Four Ways Outside Counsel Can Lose Clients
A common question I receive from outside counsel is how they can have an opportunity to do our business. But a question outside counsel should be asking, especially of their current clients, is what can they do to keep the business. https://abovethelaw.com/2022/10/4-in-house-pet-peeves-of-outside-counsel/